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TKUJP invited Prof. Watanabe Naoki and Prof. Kawaguchi Takayuki to give lectures. (Mar. 29, 2024)

  • 2024/05/09
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  • Not Setting
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  • 刊登人員:富田 哲

Prof. Watanabe Naoki, Musashi Univ., and Kawaguchi Takayuki, Hiroshima Univ., gave lectures to TKUJP master’s students in the course, “Introduction to Methodology of Literature Research III,” taught by Dr Lee Wenju. The lectures were titled ‘Korean soldiers in Japanese Army who were interned in Siberia,” and “Support for atomic bomb victims in Korea and Japanese literatures,” respectively. In recent years, Prof. Watanabe published a translation of Korean Soldier Internees in Siberia: I Used to be a Japanese, Chinese and Korean Soldier written by Kim Hyosun, while Prof. Kawaguchi authored a book entitled Hiroshima, Poetics of Resistance: Atomic Bomb Literature and Cultural Movements after WWⅡ. Taiwanese interned in Siberia and Taiwanese atomic bomb survivors were also mentioned in the lectures. The students enthusiastically asked questions and expressed their opinions in the discussion. Photos